Orleans having multiple historic hubs of community activity for the residents and visitors of lower Cape Cod -- places where people can gather for public or private events, learn about our region’s history, and celebrate the ongoing traditions and creativity of life by the sea.
This is our vision in which the Meetinghouse and Captain Linnell House, along with the CG36500 motor lifeboat, are preserved, and become The Centers for Culture and History in Orleans.

By preserving the 1834 Meetinghouse, 1850 Captain Linnell House and the CG36500 lifeboat as The Centers for Culture and History in Orleans, we can host more community events and expand museum space to showcase Orleans’ rich maritime heritage.
Meeting and event spaces at the Meetinghouse and Linnell will be available for rent by public, non-profit and private groups with food and services provided by caterers and other suppliers. These very special spaces are unmatched in the area and will inspire a shared sense of community pride and ensure a source of sustainable income for our organization’s future...
To make this vision a reality we need your help. Please see below to donate, volunteer or learn more about how you can help achieve this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our community.
Your contribution will help to:
Preserve important Orleans historical landmarks
Acquire the Captain Linnell House
Develop new cultural centers for special community events
Expand interactive exhibit spaces for local archives
Enhance Orleans as a more dynamic tourist destination
Offer educational opportunities for all generations
The Orleans Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Your contributions are tax deductible within the limits prescribed by law.
Contact Us
Orleans Historical Society
3 River Road
PO Box 353
Orleans, MA 02653